Take a look at that!!! Do you know what it is? BEES!!!! Millions of them!! And guess where they were? On a branch of a tree in my front yard, right next to my driveway... where I had just parked my car!!! Yes ~ They were right next to my car which held 3 noisy teenage girls, who poured out the doors, laughing, yelling, slamming those doors, and running. YIKES!!!
The bees formed a dripping ball around the branch. I'm assuming they were surrounding their queen. They were calm and didn't to fly about much. I prayed that if they decided to swarm about that they were not the aggressive type. My mother-in-law had some bees chase her a couple of years ago. She was mowing the lawn with the riding lawn mower, and the vibration must have aggravated some nearby bees. As they began to swarm her, she hopped off the mower and ran toward the house. All the while, the bees continued to chase her and swarm around her head.
She ran through the house toward the bathroom, still being chased. A few bees still swarmed around her head as she ran. After she dropped to the carpet and began to roll, the last remaining bees flew off. My mother-in-law stood up shaken and stung.
As I looked at our buzzing, branch hugging bees, the thought of them possibly deciding to chase me gave me the chills, so I quickly went back into my house after snapping this photo!
After about an hour, I went back outside to take another look at our buzzing bees. They were gone. I guess our tree was just a rest stop for them as they travelled to their final destination. Wherever they ended up, I hope the honey was good!
In honor of our flying guests, I offer my favorite bread recipe. I make my bread in a automatic bread maker, and it makes my whole house smell so yummy. Once done, it doesn't last long around here, as my hubby and daughters quicly slice the warm, yeasty bread and slather it with real butter and local, organic honey. YUMMM!!!
1 pkg. yeast
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
2-1/2 cups bread flour
1 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. honey
2 Tbsp. butter
1 egg (room temperature)
1 cup plus 1 Tbsp. warm water
Put dry ingredients into automatic bread maker
. Mix wet ingredients in a small bowl. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the wet mix. Bake the bread on the Whole Wheat setting of your bread maker.
Serve with butter and honey!
If you enjoy making this bread, you might consider getting several Zip-Lock baggies and filling each with the measured out dry ingredients. You can be making bread every few days, if you like, and your family will once again give you the MAMA!!! (Don't forget ~ that means Most Awesome Mother Award!!!)
There are lots of bread makers on the market, and you can spend a little or a lot. Here are a couple of examples:
And Soooo M-M-M Good!!!
Menu Maker Mom
Makin' Yummies... Stuffin' Tummies