Sunday, October 19, 2008


I received this surprise award today from Through Thick and Thin. Go over there and look at her pics. Some super soothing pictures of the Cape Cod area. How relaxing! (Thanks for the award!!)

Part of accepting the award is:

* Displaying the awardlinking back to the person who gave it to you

* Paying it forward & nominating 7 blogs
* Adding links to those seven blogs
* Leaving comments on their blog telling them you gave them an award
* Enjoying the award

Today I pass this award on to:

Teresa at Mexican American Border Cooking. Stop by today to learn how to make Pepitas!

Tina at Mommy's Kitchen. She has some fabulous kid-tested meals to share. Also, the meals are tested on really cute kids!!

Please read Donna's post regarding Michigan's Food Stamp Challenge at her site, The Helpful Homemaker. This idea just amazes me. I'll do a similar post soon, after I discover what the State of Texas allows per person per day.

Linda at Short Pump Preppy is so funny. Hop on over for a laugh!

Simple Mom is hosting "12 Weekly Projects for a More Peaceful Season".

Patrice is the editor of a blog called Spiritual Woman Thoughts. She's a freelance writer and always has something to say that will encourage you.

Milehimama is raising 7 kids. Yes, I said 7!! How does she do it?? Stop by her blog and take a look!